Head Quarters
Your hair grows over your ears a little. Annoying, but you can probably still trim it. When you shave, your sides get a bit longer, and you’re frustrated because you can’t cut it properly.
The back of your neck is hairy. That’s not the skin-fade you had 5 weeks ago! That’s right, it’s been too long. Your other half nags you, you feel like a caveman. It’s time brother. You need a haircut!
So you wash your hair and go back to the same old place for a cut. You know and trust your barber, you will be in and out. Disaster strikes. Four people in front of you. Drive back or stay? You might as well stay, your hair is already a mess after wearing that baseball cap you only have on when you go to the barbers. 30 minutes later it’s your time, hair everywhere. On and around the chair, in little bundles on the floor. Whatever, let’s get this done with.
Quick cut, few quid and a chat later, you’re out. Lucky you put your scruffy T-shirt on because the little bits of your own hair on your back makes you not want to move. Home time, wash time. That one piece of paper towel you got did nothing to stop the itch did it?!
It’s alright, we understand and so we have a promise for you! Read on…
Franchise Info
Head Quarters. was brought to life from a vision our MD had to change the experience of going to the Barber’s. Following 12 months of planning and development of the brand and concept, designing our stores and creating our own HQRS products - we opened 3 stores in Middlesbrough, Darlington and Bishop Auckland early 2021 following the end of lockdown. Since the original 3 we have opened a second site in Middlesbrough and a new site on Yarm High Street. With another 15 stores in the pipeline the Head Quarters expansion is well underway.
We are passionate about giving our customers an experience that is unique, and perfected down to the personalised stitching on our beautifully sleek leather barber chairs!
So how does it work? Why is it different from the rest?
At Head Quarters you can book in advance or just turn up from 8am – 8pm 7 days a week. Check our real wait time so you can be certain that your time will not be wasted. Should you wait a couple of minutes, our bar is open to help yourself to a beer or a soft drink. It’s on us! Our lounge is comfy but we aren’t posh, it’s our living room and you are always welcome. We are trendy with traditional values, we have banter, we can’t promise to be the best but we are better than all the rest!
Head Quarters Vacancies
No vacancies currently available